I thought I was going to have the annoyance of only having the internet on my phone, and having to blog from there, but recent developments have been that I cannot sign onto the blog from my phone. So...here I am at the internet cafe using a keyboard from 1956. There will be many mistakes in this blog as it is too much work to goback and delete mistakes.
Yesterday we walked from Monterosso to Vernazza. It was not want I would call a relaxing stroll, but the views were amazing.
Today we spent most of the day on the beach. The water was so refreshing (aka ice water) and the sand (aka tiny shards of glass) was hot. It was a nice relaxing day in comparison to what we have been doing. Pretty sure Trevor is a tomato as he refuses sunscreen. I remind 3 times, and then figure he is agrown adult and will do what he pleases. Apparently he pleases to resemble the lobster he had for lunch yesterday.
Tomorrow we are headed to Modena for a little balsamic vinegar and Ferrari. Maybe some wifi so I can add pics from Cinque Terre.
Red and Red in Italy. I think anytime I have seen Treovr in the Sun he ends up Sun burnt.